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      Our manufacturing procedure contain on following steps

      .  Selection of Raw material like stainless steel

      .  Stainless steel available in different grade, Pakistani local and imported from Germany, France, Japan.


      .  AISI 410/410X  use for production of gripping instruments like Forceps, Tweezers, Retractors

      .  AISI 420A  for cutting instruments like Bone Rongeurs, Chisels, Gouges, Scissors ,needle holders

      .  AISI420B   production for high grade cutting instruments like scissors, Bone Ronerurs

      .  AISI440C   for cutting high quality instruments like cutely and measuring instruments


      .  AISI 304  use for making Cannula, Clamps, Holders, Spreaders, Suction tubes


      .  By hand as well as hammer forging.

      .  Selection of forging process,i.e Hot, Warm or Cold forging

      .  Forging process apply on instruments/devices (Hot, Warm or Cold) for shaping metal parts.

      .  Trimming of excess material and acid cleaning


      .  Cutting away the unnecessary material by milling machines

      .  Making Serrations, Ratchets, Male & Female box Joints and grooves.


      .  Removing of irregularity by grinding wheels and files so instruments develop its final shape.

      .  Initial setting of instruments by hand with different type of gauges


      .  Heat treatment is significant process to improve performance and strength of instruments

      .  Heat treatment process is done to change  physical and mechanical properties of instruments without modification of original shape of instruments

      .  For soften the material /metal Annealing process done.

      .  Hardening/Tempering process is done to produce durability in the instruments.

      .  Rockwell hardness (HRC) of needle holder without tungsten carbide inserts around 40-48 while scissors among HRC 50-58


      .  Chemical treatment clean surface of steel and increase rust resistance


      .  Pickling is done after heat treatment process to use dilute sulfuric acid/Nitric Acid.

      .  The passivation process is done when free iron, oxide scale, rust, iron particles, metal chips adversely affect the stability of the surface and this process contains of immersing stainless steel instruments in a solution nitric or citric and sodium dichromate, dissolving the imbedded iron particles and restoring the original corrosion-resistant surface by forming a thin, transparent oxide film.

      .  Passivation also is accomplished by electro polishing

      .  Electro polish is an excellent electro chemical process, passive surface of stainless steel instruments more than other methods because metal gives a bright surface due to this process.

      .  Spare burr also removed by electro polish process

      .  Usually phosphoric and sulphuric acid are used in conjunction with high current density to clean and smooth surface of metal


      .  Setting is done to aligning, fixing and fitting the instruments with accurate function

      .  All unnecessary sharp edges, burrs are removed by skillful craftsmen


      .  Metal finishing process done by using different abrasives (grinding, cutting, brushing, felting, buffing wheels) to create a homogeneous surface and finalize appearances of instruments like shine /mirror/bright or dull/satin/matte.

      .  Electro polishing done to eliminate foreign substances and make surface more corrosion resistant.


      .  To make sure quality of instruments per desired specifications final checking /inspection done by qualified technician.


      .  Marking/Printing process done by laser marking system

      .  Marking/Printing process also done by etching or screen printing.

      .  Packaging done per desired specification.



AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) has identified the various formulations of steel and catalogued using a number system. Various materials used in surgical instrumentation have AISI numbers, like AISI 304, AISI 316L,  AISI 410/410X, AISI 420A, AISI 420B, AISI 440C.


ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) establish standards and specifications for numerous materials, both metallic and non-metallic. Some materials have an AISI number and some ASTM number.


Series 300 Stainless Steels are Austenitic or non-hard enable or non-magnetic. The carbon content is as low as 0.08% that means these metals cannot be heat hardened and will not hold a strong cutting edge. However, it may be ‘work hardened’ through machining or forming. The presence of almost 18 % chromium and 8 % nickel makes these metals highly corrosion resistant and guarantee a brilliant shine. The term 18-8 stainless is used to describe this series.


Series 400 Stainless Steel alloys are magnetic type and heat hard enable. These have relatively high carbon and low chromium percentages, along with traces of manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), sulphur (S), phosphorous (P), nickel (Ni) Molybdenum (Mo) etc endowing the metal with specific properties. Their use is a necessity whenever strength and temper are required. The degree of hardness depends largely on the carbon level. This series is used in most O.R quality instruments, cutting and non-cutting, because it has a high tensile strength, can hold edge for a long time and is corrosion resistant. However, as there is little or no nickel in this series it is susceptible to corrosion if not looked after properly.


BS 5194: Part 1 DIN 58298 ISO 7153-1


This is a relatively modern British innovation that has become in universal use for steel instruments. It reaches the factories in the form of bars and sheets. Looking at these lengths of rough and dark gray material, one wonders how it will be fashioned into beautifully finished instruments. Such a transformation reveals craftsmanship at its best. 


This material is easy to machine and form. Instruments or components that do not need to be hardened, such as speculums, retractor blades, hollow handles, hospital hollow wares, nuts, screws and pins etc, are usually made from this grade. 


It is a very high purity alloy. ‘L’ stands for low carbon. It is also called SMO. It is a preferred material for making most orthopedic implants, such as plates and screws, nails, staples, prostheses and aneurysm clips etc. Certain instruments that have prolonged contact with implants also utilize this material to avoid transfer of dissimilar metal particles which could cause galvanic corrosion reaction on the implants. It is however important to know that metal implants and prostheses can sooner or later fail since no metal has yet been developed that will equal the revitalizing durability of living bone.


This is a most commonly used grade for the manufacture of non-cutting instruments. Typical examples are hemostats, assorted forceps, and retractors and so on. It is easy to work with and has Rockwell Hardness in the range of C-40 to C-45. It is a misconception that this grade is inferior in any way as it clearly complies with the British, German and International Standards for application in surgical instruments.


These are useful grades for cutting instruments such as scissors, knives, chisels, ronguers, bone cutters, bone drills and taps etc. AISI 420 can get Rockwell Hardness in the range of C-48 to C-50 but if hardness around C-55 is required then grade AISI 440 with more carbon is appropriate. 


Type ASTM F67 – Commercially Pure grades 1, 2 and 4. It has the same strength as steel but weighs only 60% of the steel. It is highly corrosion resistant but very difficult to work with. Some microsurgery instruments, mandibular implants and weight bearing hip prostheses are made from it. Its biocompatibility is far more superior to any other currently employed implant material. It can be finished in a distinct blue color but repeated autoclaving may give it a reddish tinge.


GRADE GC20 This is the hardest man made material, sometime also referred to as diamond. It has a Rockwell of C-86. Cemented carbide is often called hard metal. Its inserts are sintered in the jaws of high wearing instruments such as needle holders, scissors and wire cutters. Traditionally these instruments are partly gold-plated for recognition.


There are also many non-ferrous materials that are used in instruments for their specific properties. They may be easier to machine or form and more suitable for procedures or budget.


It is 92.5% pure silver (Ag). Current uses include trachea tubes, probes for eyes and hemostatic clips. Silver will turn black with oxide. This does not interfere with the function of the instrument. A bit of rub with or without silver polish or elbow grease will bring the original shine back. These instruments should be handled carefully as they are expensive as well as delicate.


An alloy of silver and nickel that is less expensive and is used as an alternative to Sterling Silver. It is also more durable and does not turn black after autoclaving. 


Free cutting brass type 360 and nickel-copper Class A or B are easily formed, molded and welded therefore useful for making instruments that are otherwise hard to make from steel or require malleable features. Certain instruments made traditionally in these soft metals are proctoscopes, malleable uterine sounds and retractor blades, catheters and cannulas. In order to enhance surface wear these are usually plated.


There are many hard and soft grades. With its excellent heat dissipation capacity along with durability and lightweight it is employed for making the container system for sterilization and storage. We offer a durable yet economical system. Aluminum requires a protective layer by hard anodizing that can also be in different colors for identification. Some instrument handles, mallet heads and splints are also made of aluminum. 


Rubber, Plastic, Silicon and Tufnol are increasingly used in a wide variety of application, both reusable and disposable. Some of the useful characteristics are toughness, flexibility, resilient, resistant to chemicals, insulating, no moisture absorption, heat deformation, high impact strength, easy fabrication and low cost etc. In fact the possibilities are endless. Plastic items are gradually enabling a new wave of convenience and cost reduction in the operating room, a trend that will undoubtedly continue to grow with the passage of time. The use of latex rubber, however, has been discouraged because it contains certain protein that is said to cause skin allergy to some patients and hospital staff. No significant hazards are expected from silicon products under normal conditions of handling and use.


Carbon steel and non-ferrous metals instruments are protected from staining or discoloring by plating of various types. Until the advent of stainless steel most surgical instruments were plated. However many instruments are still more economical or effective to make plated. Mixing of plated instruments with stainless steel instruments in the reprocessing cycle should be avoided as it may result in transference of chrome to stainless that will look like stains. All plated instruments should be routinely checked to ensure there are no cracks or worn areas in the surface. In recent years the use of ultrasonic cleaning has hastened the demise of plated instruments as it tends to strip the plating from the base metal.


Instruments or components made of copper or brass can be plated with silver by electrodeposited coating. To enable the final silver deposit to adhere it will follow a primary coating of silver strike solution, nickel or copper plating. The silver plating shall not be less than 0.0010 inch in thickness. It is especially suitable on malleable instruments because the layer of silver plating is so thin it does not crack or chip when instrument is bent. Silver plating may turn black with silver oxide and may be given a good rub to get the shine back. 


Nickel adheres very well to carbon steel and is not removed easily. The surface is made free from all flaws or defects which will be detrimental to the final finish. Cutting edges are ground to remove all plating. There are not many instruments made with carbon steel these days, except perhaps for veterinary use or some general-purpose scissors. Moisture will act rather quickly to first stain and then corrode these instruments.


Carbon steel, copper and brass are all base metals that can be chrome plated. Finish on all edges and surfaces shall be uniform and free from burrs, sharp edges (except where required), crevices, grind marks, rough areas, cracks and overlaps. Chrome plating often has a layer of copper or nickel underneath and therefore protects instruments longer from corrosion and discoloration. 


Black finish makes work easier under microscope or extra lighting because of lack of glare. Until recently, the black or ebonized finish was achieved by dipping in a sodium salt solution and then baking in oven. These salts, however, have now been reclassified as very toxic and therefore unsafe to use. There are also some very strong disinfectants also now available that can strip this type of black finish completely. We have therefore abandoned this process and may only be able to offer instruments ebonized in Europe if necessary.


Note: Under given Instrument care tips are general explanation, local regulations or hospital protocols may differnt from these recommendations.

We recommend following guideline of cleaning, sterilizing and maintaining instruments.


Personal safety must be ensure during reprocessing of instruments.

Fully trained personal must be perform these processes.

At the time of this procedures safety cloth, gloves and eyewear should be worn.

Sharp instruments always place separate in container.


Remove organic material immediately by rinsing instruments under warm running water after using instruments.

Be sure to remove all blood, body fluids and tissue. To use a nylon toothbrush may be helpful to rinse the lock boxes and joints of the instruments.

Do not process different metal like stainless steel, Copper, silver, chrome /gold plated together.

Also not use a sponge basin as any residue from normal saline solution can cause corrosion to develop over a period of time.


There are several methods available to cleaning instruments; here we recommend a few methods.

                     A) Ultrasonic Cleaning:

Ultrasonic cleaning procedure is an effective process of cleaning instruments, especially instruments with hinges, locks and other moving parts.

Take following steps during ultrasonic process.

     .  Instruments must be fully submerged.

     .  Clean maximum 5 to10 minutes.

     .  Place instruments in open position in ultrasonic cleaner.

     .  Keep separate, avoid over-crowding instruments.

     .  Sharp instruments (scissors, knives, chisel etc) keep separately.

     .  Use a lid to avoid splashing.

     .  Keep joints open and ratchets unlocked.

     .  Place heavier instruments at the bottom of the basket.

     .  Cleaning of aluminum items by ultrasonic is not recommended.

     .  Rinse instruments with water to remove cleaning solution.

                    B) Automatic Washer / Disinfector:

     .  Use only distilled water.

     .  Use only low foaming and non-ionizing cleaning detergents.

     .  Keep joints open and ratchets unlocked.

     .  Items with concave surface must be placed face down to prevent pooling of water.

     .  If possible, flush clean all items with tubal structure.

     .  Electro-medical instruments must not be processed in washer/disinfectors.

     .  Make sure instruments are lubricated after last rinse cycle and before sterilization cycle.

                    D) Manual Cleaning: 

          If ultrasonic or automatic washer/disinfectors are not available, manual cleaning process should be done in a basin or sink but only for micro and delicate instruments.

          Please observe the following steps:

      .  Use stiff nylon autoclavable cleaning brushes.

      .  Always brush away from the body and avoid splashing.

      .  Do not use steel wool or wire brushes except special steel wire brushes for instruments.

      .  Scrub thoroughly until dust has been removed.

      .  Pay particular attention to serrations, knurling, hinges, ratchets and tubes.

      .  Rinse thoroughly making sure surfaces is visibly free of stains or tissues.

      .  A good peracetic acid based instrument cleaner can help remove stains.

      .  Clean delicate instruments separately to avoid damage.

      .  After cleaning, sort and dry instruments using hand dryer or drying cabinet.


      .  Low pH (acidic less than 6 pH) detergents break down stainless protective surface, resulting pitting and black staining.

      .  High pH (alkaline more than 8 pH) detergents can cause brown stains (phosphate deposits) that can interfere with the function of instruments.

      .  Most brown stains are not rust and are easily wiped with lightly oiled cloth.

      .  Electro-medical instruments must be cleaning very carefully to avoid damage to the coating.

Note: Manual cleaning is not a disinfection process.


Inspect each instrument carefully after cleaning. To use a magnifying glass or microscope will be helpful to detect faults which not visible to the naked eyes.

Inspect and make sure.

      .  Scissors blades should glide smoothly all the way (they must not be loose when in closed position).Test by cutting thin gauze or surgical glove material three quarters of length of blade. Scissors should cut all the way to the tips, and not hang up.

      .  Forceps have properly aligned teeth and ratchets.

      .  Hemostats forceps and Needle Holders must not allow light through the jaws when closed in first ratchet position (hemostats may show a small opening half way in from the closed tip) lock and unlock easily and joints should not be too loose. Check Needle Holders for wear on jaw surfaces.

      .  Suction tubes or instruments with tubal structure are clean inside.

      .  Biopsy Punches, punch a clean hole into tissue paper.

      .  Retractors must function properly.

      .  Cutting instruments like knives have the sharp undamaged edges.

      .  Joints are not loose or crack. Also they are not dry and stiff.

      .  There is no sign of breakage on any part of the instruments.

Note: Damaged instruments must be taken out of service immediately for repair or disposal.


Sterilization is done to preserve the substance for a long time without decay.

Sterilization kills all microorganisms and spores. Autoclaving (saturated steam under high pressure) is the most common method for sterilizing surgical instruments; however, dry heat and chemical sterility (ethylene gas, hydrogen peroxide gas plasma, etc.) can also be used.There are several methods however we recommend boiling and steam sterilization 

                    A) Preparation for Sterilization:

Before of sterilization be Ensure that:

      .  Ensure instruments are fully clean, dried and lubricated.

      .  Instruments must not contain detergent residue.

      .  Do not put rusted instruments in autoclave, it can transfer rust to other instruments.

      .  Place instruments in sterilization trays or wrapped in paper before autoclaving.

      .  Use only a non-silicon water-soluble lubricant, not industrial type.

      .  Sterilize Instruments either individually or in sets.

      .  Place all instruments in unlocked position to avoid breakage.

      .  Avoid to overload chamber.

                     B) Boiling:

Boiling is done for metallic devices like surgical scissors, scalpels, needles etc like instruments. Here substances are boiled to sterilize them.

                     C) Steam / Autoclaving Sterilization

Arrange the instruments, sterilization trays or packs in the autoclave without stacking them. The steam must circulate freely inside the autoclave. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for adjusting the time, temperature and pressure of the autoclave cycle. Process the instruments as under.

       .  Unwrapped instruments at 121°C for 20 minutes at 15 PSI above atmospheric pressure or at 134°C for 3–4 minutes at 30 PSI above atmospheric pressure.

       .  Wrapped instruments at 121°C for 30 minutes at 15 PSI above atmospheric pressure or at 134°C for 15 minutes at 30 PSI above atmospheric pressure.

When the autoclaving cycle is complete and the pressure reaches zero, open the door a centimeter or two to allow the steam to escape. Run the drying cycle as recommended by the autoclave manufacturer until all the instruments are dry. It should take about 30 minutes. Using sterile tongs, remove all the instruments, trays and packages. Allow them to cool to room temperature before storing.

Unwrapped items must be used immediately or may be stored in covered, dry, sterile trays for up to a week. Store wrapped packages in a warm, dry, closed cabinet. Instruments remain sterile as long as the wrap is dry and intact. 


With most portable table top Autoclaves, at the end of the autoclave cycle before the drying cycle unlock the door and open it about 6-7mm. Then run the dry cycle for the period recommended by the autoclave manufacturer. If the autoclave door is fully opened before the drying cycle, cold room air will rush into the chamber causing condensation on the instruments that may result in water stains or cause wet packs. Make sure autoclave filters and chambers are cleaned afterwards as recommended by the manufacturer.


Dry heat may also be used to sterilize surgical instruments. Instruments can be wrapped in aluminum foil or placed in sterilization trays before putting them in the oven. Refer to the manufacturer’s directions to heat the oven. Instruments can be heated to any of the following to be considered sterilized:

      .  180°C for 30 minutes

      .  170°C for 1 hour

      .  160°C for 2 hours

      .  149°C for 2.5 hours

      .  141°C for 3 hours

Allow the instruments to cool to room temperature inside the oven and store them as described above.

Susceptible to a small number of bacterial spores, so a high level disinfection is suitable for semi-critical items. These items include anesthesia equipment, some scopes (endoscope) and temperature probes.

Non-critical items do not come into contact with mucous membranes but touch intact skin. Equipment like blood pressure cuffs, surgical beds and stereotaxic frames are considered non-critical. They must be thoroughly cleaned, but will not require sterilization. A low level disinfection may also be used.


Follow instructions of equipment manufacturer.

      .  Do not use alkaline corrosive detergents.


      .  Use only CE Marked products.

      .  Do not use bleach (sodium hypochlorite.

      .  Do not cold disinfect aluminum instruments, electro-medical instruments and instruments with tungsten carbide inserts.

      .  Use only cold sterilization of highest standard that take a short time. Most cold sterilizations take up to 10 hours which is detrimental to the instruments.

      .  Do not use a multi-day use disinfectant because organic residue collected in the solution after every immersion will not render instruments truly disinfected.

      .  Multi-day use disinfectant can also damage or stain instruments surface.Not only this,it can also cause corrosion to instruments that are processed in the same solution afterwards. Finally, So remember what the following terms mean: 

      .  STERILE is an absolute term (no living organism survives).

      .  DISINFECTED basically clean. Some organisms may survive. Always choose a proper method of sterilization to get instruments in the required condition for use.


Instruments must be completely dry at the time of storage. Likewise, storage area must be absolutely dry. Wet climate and damp conditions can lead to corrosion. Even innocuous liquids like seawater have a devastating effect on stainless steel.we offers a high quality and affordable container system for sterilization and storage of instruments. All sizes are Included. Boxes are anodized aluminum and wire baskets are stainless steel. All necessary accessories are also available.


    .  We maintain strict confidence policy and do not disclose to third party information or material relating to the others business which comes into that partys possession and not use such information and material without written permission by the other party

    .  Buyer is obligated to keep confidential all our business related or other information even after contractual relationship between both we have ended.

    .  This confidentiality obligation shall not include any information that is lawfully disclosed by our written permission.


    .  The delivered products shall remain our property until all its claims against the buyer have been satisfied

    .  The buyer shall oblige himself to handle the goods properly and with care for the duration of the retention of title.

    .  The purchaser shall within the scope of his orderly and usual business activities be entitled to sell and process the products.

    .  The claims made by the purchaser from resale of the reserved goods shall with all additional reights at this point in time be transferred to us until the full payment of our claims from physical deliveries to the full amount.

    .  The transferred claims shall serve as our security but only to the value of these reserved goods sold in each case

    .  The reserved products be sold by the purchaser after processing in conjunction with other goods not belonging to us

    .  The transfer of the buyer money claim shall be valid only to the value  of the received goods

    .  The purchaser shall be entitled to resell the reserved goods only in accordance with the stipulations regarding transfer of the purchase money claim.


.  We offer samples free of cost so that you can check quality prior to place order

.  However customers have to pay just freight/ shipping charges.

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  .  If have not account, pay shipping charges/freight directly us

.  Give us detail of your required products by visiting our online catalogue at “ALTRESCO“

.  We will send price and samples according to your specification.

.  If you need specific products which not available on our web site, please send your detail specification (drawing, picture or master samples) we will produce product per your requirement and will send samples for your approval prior to start mass production


.  We take all reasonable steps to ensure the protection of goods from loss, damage or destruction

.  Please acknowledge us about your concerns /complaints with in 10days after receipt of shipment.

.  If need to return goods to us due to any solid reason, please contact us before shipping goods because we do not accept goods without documents

.  Complaints regarding design, quality, damage and shortage of quantity can be taken in to account only if the claimed loss is more than 6% of delivered goods. We will deliver replacement free of charges but will not be paid particular charges (custom duty, freight, wages or plenty delay shipment.

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